Celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion @ IC
The Eucharist is considered the “Source and Summit” of our Catholic faith. It is the Sacrament that provides spiritual nourishment to believers and the Sacrament that we return to on a weekly basis. By receiving the Body of Christ in the Eucharist, we become Christ’s Body to the world.
In our parish community, we prepare our Second Grade children to receive this Sacrament. Children not enrolled in our Catholic school may receive this Sacrament through our Religious Education Program. Preparing children to come to the table of the Lord for the first time (when God’s love enters their hearts) is a significant moment in their lives and in the life of our parish family.
As a part of their preparation, our First Communicants are traditionally invited to participate in an “Experience Day” where they gather together with their parents on a designated Saturday morning (typically during the Spring) to engage in varied activities and crafts designed to assist our school and parish children to develop a better understanding of the Sacrament that they are about to receive. During this time, the children create their First Communion banners (which will adorn the sides of our pews during our celebration of First Holy Communion in May.) Adequate preparation supports their spiritual growth and begins to impress upon our children that, as they begin to be nourished by the Eucharist, they are called to serve others around them.
Parents of Second Grade children are required to attend a Sacramental meeting during the preparation period, which is typically held in January. Students must complete First and Second Grade Religious Education, either in a school or parish setting, before they can receive First Holy Communion. [Please note: children must be baptized prior to beginning preparation for this Sacrament.] Our students in Third through Eighth grade continue to receive the Eucharist on a weekly basis during our school assembly Mass celebrated on Wednesday mornings at 8:30 A.M.
*If you are interested in enrolling your child in our Religious Education Program, please click here for additional information or contact Julie Szwedo, our Religious Education Coordinator, at szwedo@iccowboys.net.